Unleash the power of bookmarklets

Photo by Chiara F on Unsplash

Unleash the power of bookmarklets


2 min read

Bookmarklet ๐Ÿ“œ

Although the title is not exactly what I intend, it is what it is. So, what exactly is a bookmarklet? You can learn more about it here. In a nutshell, it is the javascript snippet that is saved in the url. Sorry if it's not entirely correct; it doesn't really matter what it is ๐Ÿฅธ.

How to Use a Bookmarklet Professionally

  1. Include images that are mostly connected to the functionality.
  2. Add an alt property to the picture > Keep in mind that this will be the name for the browser bookmark in the end.
  3. Place your code in the code structure shown below.
  4. Ensure that the user can easily copy the code.
  5. Ask that the user drag the picture to the bookmark section and edit the bookmark URL to the copied snippet.
  6. Now, when user clicks on the bookmark, they'll get the functionality you're looking for.
javascript: (() => {
  'use strict';
  (function () {
    // Your code

Real usage


Remove redundant sections of the Pinterest page.

javascript: (() => {
  'use strict';
  (function () {
    const css = `
      a { display:none; }
      [data-test-id="pointer-events-wrapper"] { display:none !important; }
      [role="banner"] { margin-bottom: -140px; visibility: hidden; }
    const head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    const style = document.createElement('style');

    [...document.querySelectorAll('body *')].forEach(item => {
      if (item.getAttribute('id') === '__PWS_DATA__') return;
      if (item.innerHTML === item.innerText && item.innerText.length !== 0)


Creating a workspace is as easy as prefixing any GitHub URL with gitpod.io/#

javascript: (() => {
  "use strict";
  (function () {
    for (
      var t = document.getElementsByTagName("meta"), n = 0;
      n < t.length;
    ) {
      var o = t[n];
      if (o.content.toLowerCase().includes("gitlab")) return !0;
      if ("hostname" === o.name && o.content.includes("github")) return !0;
      if (
        "application-name" === o.name &&
        return !0;
    return !1;
  })() &&
      "https://gitpod.io/#" +
        (window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host) +